
Company News
Full-time deputy secretary of the “Two New”(New Economic Organization and New Social Organization) Party Working Committee of the autonomous region investigated the work of party building.


classification:Company News

On May 13, Liu Shuiyu, a full-time deputy secretary of the “Two New” Party Working Committee of the autonomous region, accompanied by Liu Qingning, deputy director of the Organizational Department of the CPC Liuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the “Two New” Party Working Committee, and other leaders went to our company to carry out a survey on party building work.Zhou Fangchao, Secretary of the Party Branch and Executive Deputy General Manager of the company, received the guests and his party.

In the company’s product application exhibition hall, Mr.Zhou introduced the company’s nature, product performance and application fields, and future development directions to Mr.Liu and other leaders.In the corporate culture exhibition hall, Mr.Zhou introduced to the guests the situation that leaders at all levels visited the company before and the company’s achievements in corporate culture construction.

Mr.Zhou introduced the company’s party building work to the leaders in detail:Under the guidance of superior party organizations, the company ’s party branch established a perfect party organization structure and clarified the work responsibilities of the branch committee;Organized and carried out the activities of “party building studies” (studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building),conscientiously implemented the work plan of the higher party work committee and achieved good results;Regularly convened “three sessions and one lesson” , timely conveyed the spirit of the central document and the guidance of higher-level party organizations to enhance the party members‘ political abilities;Strengthened the work of party-group pairing and support to counterpart villages, and helped the people in difficulty and party members solve practical problems;Gave play to the exemplary role of party members as pioneers, dared to challenge and took on, strived to be a technology leader and overcame technical and production problems;Earnestly implemented the leading role of the party member responsibility area and the party member demonstration post, so as to achieve a good demonstration effect of driving the whole by points and areas and the region.Did a good job in cultivating activists and train successors for the party;Improve cultural and sports facilities and publicity positions, promoted the physical and mental health of employees, and enhanced the cohesion of party organizations.

Mr.Liu and his party carefully checked the application materials of the five-star party branch of the non-public party organization of our company, the records of the “three meetings and one lesson”, the records of the party members’ meeting, and repeatedly praised our company for its perfect basic materials, complete records, and effective activities, which fully meet the requirements of the party organization for the “five-star” party branch. He encouraged Chesir’s party branch to make persistent efforts, keep innovating, and strive for greater progress.

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