
Company News
Chesir attended the China Industry Strong Foundation Strategic Promotion Forum


classification:Company News

“2016 China Industry Strong Foundation Strategic Promotion Forum” was held in Beijing, the forum was chaired by the President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhou Ji.Lu Yongxiang, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, attended the speech and delivered a speech. Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a number of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leaders of Industrial and Information Commissions of various provinces, and the person in charge of the implementation unit of Qiangji Engineering attended the meeting.Zhou Fangchao, executive deputy general manager of Chesir, participated in the forum as a representative of the implementation unit of the strong foundation industrial project.

The National Industry Strong Foundation Project mainly solves the problem of China’s backwardness in core basic components , key basic materials, advanced basic processes and industrial technology foundations (referred to as “four bases”),and promote China’s manufacturing industry from big to strong.Vice Chairman Lu pointed out that vigorously promoting the strategy of strengthening the industry is an important measure for the implementation of “Made in China 2025” and a strategic core task.

Guangxi Chesir Pearl Material Co., Ltd. is currently the only enterprise in Guangxi participating in the national industrial foundation project.Industrial strong foundation project undertaken by the company——high-quality synthetic mica, its product quality and key performance indicators have made major breakthroughs.It frees China from relying on imported natural mica and meets the major engineering needs of China’s industry. It is included in the “2016 Industrial Strong Foundation Development Report” issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The high-quality synthetic mica produced by Chesir can replace natural mica flakes in radar, missiles, artificial satellites, atomic energy and other cutting-edge fields to meet the major engineering needs of China’s industry.

The smooth implementation of this project will enable China to get rid of dependence on imported natural mica and break through alternative technologies.It play an important role in the national economy and national defense construction to meet the major engineering needs of China’s industry.The economic efficiency is obvious, which is higher than the industry’s rate of return, and promotes the rapid development of the mica industry, promotes the development of market demand for cutting-edge fields, increases employment, and drives the development of related industrial chains.


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