
Company News
The inspection team of Liuzhou’s Leading Group for Opening Factory Affairs to Chesir to inspect the open and democratic management of factory affairs


classification:Company News

On October 25, 2017, On October 25, 2017, The inspection team of the Leading Group for Promoting the Openness of Factory Affairs in Liuzhou, consisting of Wei Yongjun, deputy director of Liuzhou Industry and Commerce Bureau, Wen Yongquan, Chief of the Second Management Section of Liuzhou Safety Supervision Bureau, Pan Hongxin, head of the enterprise reform and reorganization section of the Liuzhou SASAC. Accompanied by Pan Shuwang, party secretary and deputy chairman of the Luzhai County Federation of Trade Unions, come to Chesir to inspect the plan, leadership system, working mechanism, working methods, and work results for the implementation of open and democratic management of factory affairs. The company’s party branch secretary, Vice general manager Zhou Fangchao, union chairman Yin Fuwen and union members reported to the inspection team the implementation of the company’s factory affairs.

The inspection team learned about the company’s open and democratic management of the company’s factory affairs in detail by listening to reports and on-site inspections. It fully affirmed the company’s achievements and hoped that the company would continue to actively carry out the factory’s work in the future and summarize the promotion success from different perspectives. Experience makes employees’ awareness of participation, management and supervision continue to increase.

In recent years, the open and democratic management of Chesir’s factory affairs has been under the unified leadership of the company’s party committee, joint responsibility of the party and government, the implementation of the union, and the participation of all staffs. The layout and “four comprehensive” strategic layout, tightly grasp the main line of developing harmonious labor relations, and continue to promote the establishment of open factory affairs and democratic system standardization and legalization. The organic combination of open factory affairs and company development has effectively strengthened the company’s grassroots democratic political construction, further expanded the channels for employees to participate in decision-making and management, and gradually established a standardized and orderly, open and reasonable, mutually beneficial, win-win, harmonious and stable The new type of socialist labor relations has created a stable environment for the company’s development.


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